Friday, March 11, 2011

Tyrone turns 5

Tyrone has been counting down to his birthday for weeks now. He turned 5 on March 9th. The day before he had a friend party with all his Joyschool buddies. He decided he wanted a Policeman party, much to Lucas' joy. There are not any party favors out there for Policeman parties (plenty of Fireman stuff, go figure.) We made do and got creative. He wore his Police uniform and took all the kids to jail. We were able to locate a huge box at R.C Willey and Lucas created a jail out of it. It was a huge hit with all the kids and they kept themselves busy for the whole 3 hour party. Tyrone got lots of great gifts from his friends and was so happy all day long. The next day, his actual birthday, I heard him get up about 6:30am. I wondered why he didn't come into our room. When I went into his room he was waiting patiently in his bed for us to all sing "Happy Birthday" to him. He opened his presents and played all day with them. That evening we had our traditional family party with all the cousins. We even played "donut on a string game." You tie donuts on a string for everyone and they have to try to eat the donut with their hands behind their backs. Whoever eats their donut first, wins. The kids had a fun time, even though the little ones cheated and just grabbed the donuts and ate them :) I think Tyrone had a wonderful birthday and it was definitely worth it when he told me thank you and said "this is the best day ever." This is my little boy with the imagination that has no end. He makes a game out of anything. He is so like Lucas in a lot of ways. I guess Lucas was the same when he was a little boy. Tyrone can entertain himself for hours with pirate crusades and world war battles. It is so fun to watch him. He is very dependable and very smart. He loves figuring out games on my phone and on the computer. He has recently discovered classical music and really enjoys listening to different kinds of music. I think he is really going to love Kindergarten this fall. Happy Birthday Tyrone, we love you.


Unknown said...

So cute. Getting too big too quick :( Love the jail idea. Ah now.

Kim Bee said...

fun birthday Tyrone! Love you....Love the second to last picture, dreamy eyes xoxoxos

Crystal Nelson said...

Super cute! It looks like he had a blast for his 5th birthday! It's amazing how fast they get so big!

Lynette said...

Happy Birthday Tyrone! Glad he had such a fun Birthday.