Monday, June 21, 2010

A Day with Nana

The day after school got out for the summer, my sister Kim and I took our kids up to Alamo to visit their Nana. My mam has goats, chickens, ducks and cats. She had acquired a calf who had to be bottle fed because her mom died giving birth and an African lamb who also had to be nursed to health. The kids love playing with the animals and they love having the freedom to run and play. We also went to "Little Ash" which is a local warm springs swimming hole. It was so much fun and the kids loved the fact that the water was warm. Needless to say, the kids passed out on the way home after a busy day.

Ryan, Baili, Jacob, Niamh, Gavin, Nana, Tyrone & Kami

Monday, June 14, 2010


So a few months ago I was preparing my lesson for church and was reading in Genesis about Giants. It doesn't say much about them, just that even the Giants feared Enoch and his people. I was very interested and wished I knew more. Today on facebook I saw this picture of giant bones found in Russia and thought I would share. It's pretty amazing, I think so anyway.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Celebrating Gavin

May has been a crazy month for us. We are on the go all the time. It has been a big month for Gavin especially. First of all his first soccer season ended. The Blazers won the last few games and had a pretty good season. It was great to see each player get better throughout the season. Gavin learned a lot. We are planning on putting him on The Blazer team next fall. To celebrate the end of the season the team and their families went to "Pump it up" where we jumped and had pizza and cake. Gavin got a trophy which he was very excited about.

Gavin also graduated from Kindergarten. He had a graduation. All the children sang songs they had learned over the year and received little diplomas. Gavin sat in the front row and he sang every single word of every song, even one in Spanish. I was overcome with pride as I watched my first born be so grown up and confident as he sang and kept his eyes on me the whole time. I have worried about Gavin all year long. Although he has caught up in his speech and has come so far with that, he still has a major issue with staying focused and paying attention. I have felt for a long time that he may have ADHD, he doesn't show as much hyperactivity, but he struggles with inattentiveness and finishing tasks without being constantly reminded and prompted. I also found out this week that Gavin is no longer eligible for special education services within the school district. So he was exited from the program. He will continue on to first grade and that makes me nervous that he won't be able to keep up in a regular ed class. He will have a resource teacher who will be available if he needs extra help with reading, math etc. I visited with his pediatrician this week and we decided to start him on some medication. I am very nervous about having him on medication, but I am willing to try it for a month and see if it makes any difference. I have done a lot of research online and he definitely shows a lot of the symptoms of ADHD. You always want the best for your children and it's so hard when it's your first born and you are really learning as you go. I don't have all the answers and I get so frustrated with him sometimes, when it really is not his fault. Gavin's doctor assured me that she put her own son on this medication several years ago and it has done wonders for him and his self esteem especially. I hope and pray I am doing the right thing. I also heard that altering your child's diet can affect ADHD. I'm willing to try anything.
Aside from all of this, Gavin is a very smart and amazing boy. He surprises me all the time. He has come so far in his development already and I know he will continue to make strides where that is concerned. I am so proud of him and I love him so much.

P.S, These events took place on two different days. Notice Gavin is wearing the same shirt. He is obsessed with Bulldogs right now and wears this shirt as much as he can.