This Thanksgiving was spent with the Abbotts. Lucas and his dad and brothers usually go shooting early on Thanksgiving morning, but this year Lucas decided he wanted to sleep in and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade instead. It was so nice to just laze around and watch the parade. Before dinner, the Abbott men and boys played in the first Abbott Turkey bowl. They had a great time and worked up an appetite. We had dinner in the afternoon and I have to say that everything was perfect and delicious. I think it was the best Thanksgiving dinner ever. Maybe I say that every year, but it was so scumptious. After dinner, we all cleaned up. Then we had our choice of pies for dessert made by my sis-in-laws, Rachelle and Susana. They were all so yummy, we had a couple slices each. I am thankful for so many things this year. My family is at the top of that list. I'm so grateful for the blessings I have received this year.