It's been a while. I haven't felt very motivated to blog. Our computer is having issues and I can't upload any pictures. Very annoying and I'm finding out just how ignorant I am when it comes to computer issues. Time to call the
Geek Squad I guess. One of the reasons I haven't been blogging is that I have been on a reading marathon. I discovered a wonderful Irish author; Marian Keyes. She has been described as one of the most successful Irish novelists of all time. Her books are entertaining, witty and at times emotional. She uses a lot of Irish lingo and I really get completely taken in by the characters and plot of each story. I have read 6 out of the 12 books she has written. Lets just say not a lot of housework or any other stuff is getting done. Oh well.
Lucas celebrated his 28th birthday on January 28. We had a little get together with family for cake and ice-cream. Unfortunately he had to work that night, so we celebrated over the weekend. We went to our favorite sushi restaurant "TA TA's." it is the best sushi in town, we think so anyway. Lucas had a great birthday. His favorite gift was a "Real Salt Lake" Soccer Jersey. He seriously wears it everyday, he loves it that much. Whatever makes him happy! Lucas is so easy to shop for he has so many interests and always gives me a list. He is my lobster :)
Gavin and Tyrone are my little explorers. They love exploring the backyard. We bought them some Galoshes(Wellingtons/Wellys in Ireland)and they put them on everyday and spend hours outside. Grandpa Abbott has an old boat at the back of the house. This is Gavin & Tyrone's new toy. They spend hours out there pretending they are sailing a pirate ship. I love how they make up games that keep them entertained for hours or until one hits the other and the fighting starts. They both ask me "why/what" questions all day long. Gavin asked me today "Mommy, what do farts taste like?" Just to give you an idea of the stuff they ask me. I wish there was a book that told me the answer to all these crazy questions that kids come up with. "Go ask your Dad" only works so many times.
Princess Niamh is as wild and tenacious as ever. She is such a tom-boy. She loves to be outside. She tries to wrestle our dog, Duke (an old English sheepdog.)She loves to wrestle her brothers and Dad. She loves to brush her teeth and has to grab everyone's toothbrushes and have a turn. It is such a battle every time she needs a diaper change. She won't stay still for 2 seconds. She loves making her brothers laugh. Today she decided to drink water and then spit it out, making Gavin & Tyrone giggle.
Lucas and I are hitting the gym hard this month. We've been slacking a little since moving in with my in-laws and over the holidays. My youngest sister Beverley is getting married in San Diego at the end of February. So for this month we are hitting the gym hard and sacrificing nights of indulging on chocolate, ice-cream, cookies, brownies.....I can go on forever. The withdrawal symptoms stopped after about a week. We decided not to weigh ourselves until the day before we leave for California. 2 more weeks to go.
My father-in-law, Garth has had his second dose of chemotherapy. So far he is doing pretty well. He continues to live his life. Some days are worse than others, but he is doing great. He was losing his hair and shaved it all off. He looks like a tough gangster now, I think. We are so grateful for the answers to so many prayers that have been offered on his behalf. It is so amazing to see everything fall into place and to see miracles happen. Garth found out last month after having a Pet Scan that the cancer is contained in his breast and a couple of lymph nodes. We are continuing to pray and have faith that the chemo will kill the cancer and that Garth will recover and continue to live a normal life.