Thursday, October 9, 2008

Are we there yet?

So I just got back from my OBGYN visit and was hoping that I was progressing a little further, but no such luck. I have been 1 cm dilated for the past 2 weeks and I'm still there as of today. Dr. H. says that Niamh (Neev) is still pretty high up, which I believe because she still gets me under the ribs at times. I have been walking and on my feet a lot but I guess not enough to bring her down. I have a feeling she is as stubborn as I am and the doctor will have to go in after her. I do have 1 week left till her actual due date and a lot can happen in a week. I can actually wait another week. I'm not at that "I'm miserable, get this child out of me" point yet. I'm just very excited to see our little girl and to have her join our family. It's like waiting for Christmas morning to come, but Christmas always comes on the same day. If only I could guarantee little Niamhs arrival on her due date. So, for now I guess I should be catching up on as much sleep as possible and continue my nesting phase until things start happening.


Renee' P said...

Oh I'm sorry. You will have her soon. My sister-in-law was dialated 2 a 3 for a few weeks and just got induced yesterday and it only took 20 mins to push that baby out.
You are going to have so much fun w/your girl. She will be here soon.
I miss you!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to meet her :) Ah now xoxo

Melissa and Paul said...

Hang in there!!!! Let us know if you guys need help with anything!!! seriously, we would love to help if needed.

Alexis Treese said...

Aaahhhhh! This is so exciting. And you have such a good attitude right now. Hopefully I can be as patient as you. I'll probably be the crazy lady screaming "get this kid out of me!!!" I an wait to see what she looks like, I'm sure she'll have the most phenomenal eyes like her brothers.

Amber and David said...

I was wondering how you were doing and if your little girl had made her appearance yet! It's just a waiting game now! I can't wait to see her, I'm sure she'll be beautiful like her momma! Take it easy while you can!=)

Nicole said...

I love where your at right now. It is so hard, but it is also so exciting. There is no other feeling in the world like it. I will miss that when I am done having babies. My little Cole stayed high up for a long time. Good luck. I am so excited for you!

Jason and Shelli said...

That's so awesome you're having a girl. Good luck getting throught the week. Luke, this is Jason Martin from the WKM. I actually found your blog through my cousin Aubri, she's married to your friend Dan. Anyway, congrats on getting another kid, that's way exciting.

Liz Prisbrey said...

I've been wondering how you are feeling? I knew your baby girl would be coming soon so you have been on my mind. I wish I had some great way to get her to come now, but I have tried everything to get my babies to come and it never works. So yeah, just enjoy what little bit of sleep you are still getting. That's the great thing, you know she has to eventually come.

Elizabeth J. said...

Not uncomfortable yet?!?! My goodness I think I was uncomfortable and ready to be done by like week 12! Good for you for being so positive!!! I wish it would rub off on me...I am such a whiner!

So excited for you!!! There is NOTHING better then little girls! I can say that for about 6 more weeks!